cold porcelain clay (85g) - natural, white, red, black or brown

$5.00 USD Sold Out

The best cold porcelain available in Brazil, at least in my opinion! Over the last 5 years, I tested all clay brands on the market. Nothing beats the Ink Way cold porcelain! I use it on all my sculptures.


Why I love cold porcelain

Air dry: No oven needed!
Non toxic: Safe for all ages!
Vegan: No animal products used!
Environmentally friendly: It's biodegradable, it's not a plastic!
Less shrinkage and more durability when compared to homemade clay



United States, Canada, Europe $25USD
Oceania, Asia $30USD
Brazil FREE
Everywhere else $35USD

For US and Canada: Get free shipping when you buy the Make a Snail Craft Kit with any amount of extra cold porcelain! Simply use code CLAYKIT10.


Frequently asked questions

How can I color cold porcelain?
You can use acrylic paint, fabric paint, chalk pastels or even food dyes to color cold porcelain. Any powder or water based paint will work! I prefer to use chalk pastels, because it is less messy.

How do I store cold porcelain?
Cold porcelain is an air dry clay, so it will dry in contact with the air. To avoid clay drying inside the packaging, keep it tightly wrapped in plastic while you're not using it. Keep it protected from direct sunlight.

What can I make with cold porcelain?
I use this clay to create tiny friends, but it also has many other uses! Cold porcelain can be used to make realistic flowers, charms, earrings or any small object you can imagine. It is not recommended to use in pieces that are going to be exposed to water frequently or submerged.

What is the clay like after it dries?
Dry cold porcelain feels smooth, and somewhat heavy. The finish is very comparable to polymer clay.

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